Your Journey to Being Prepared Begins Now

So this has been a long time coming and now it’s here.  We now have posted a sampler book for free on the Books page. Please let us know what you think of our site and any suggestion you have.

Like setting up this website, getting prepared takes time and effort, trial and error. That is one of the reasons we created this site. With all of the years we have been survivalists, (Preppers is so new wave yuppie), we have each learn a lot through our own trail and errors. And as true survivalist, we are still here and sharing what we have learned.

Forty-seven years ago there wasn’t much information out there and there weren’t so many gadgets. So much has come and went that those just getting started preparing wouldn’t believe it.

Back in the 1969, the Los Angeles Fire Department taught that we should get a skinny coffee can (or yeast can), that a 16d nail and punch a bunch of holes in the bottom, put the plastic lid on the bottom, then fill it with baking soda and put another plastic lid on top.

This was the new handy dandy grease fire extinguisher for your kitchen. If you had a small fire you would pull the lid off of the bottom and shake the baking soda of the fire to put it out. if it was bigger then you would take the lid off of the top and shake it over the fire.

The problem was that people didn’t check it to make sure the baking soda wasn’t caking up from moisture. when they went to use it and it didn’t come out like it did when they made it, they panicked and pulled the lid off of the top and dumped the caked up block of baking soda on to the grease fire splashing burning grease all over the place.

After a few incident of this the LAFD stopped teaching the make your own fire extinguisher. Times change and we learn.

Learning should be on going. we humans do NOT know everything, contrary to what some would have you believe. Remember, five hundred years ago everybody thought the world was flat.

So for today’s thought, let’s us fire extinguishers, When was the last time you checked yours? What you should do is every six months or so, take you fire  extinguishers, Check to make sure the indicator needle is in the green. Then slowly and gently turn them upside down and as you turn them do you feel the powder inside shift from bottom to top and back? If not, the powder had most likely settled together into a chunk. It may be time for a new extinguisher.

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